• "Most therapists are trained to focus on "problems", which keeps them front and center in your perceptual field. But you and I will focus on what is possible, on achieving dreams, not just talking about problems."

    --Dr. James Mick

  • "You can blame somebody else, or take responsibility for how your life feels. Amazing how many people prefer the former..."
    --Dr. James Mick Nolan

  • "When we focus on a thing, we tend to attract more of that thing. When we focus on the fact that we do not have that thing, we attract more of the not having of it."
    --Dr. Jim Nolan

  • "Tired of talking about the past over and over? I combine Counseling & Life Coaching to help us in identifying your strengths and the vision you have for moving forward in life."

    ----Dr. James Mick

  • "I have been breaking rules all of my life. Yeah, I got some swats along the way, but I have been to Cuba and the Taj Mahal too, so I'm OK with the swats. I win."

    --Jim, from Cleveland

  • "We didn't come to Hawai'i to stay away from the water, did we?" --Dr. Jim

  • Maverick Solutions for Unsettled Times

    Maverick Solutions for Unsettled Times

    "A Maverick is a free spirit, an unorthodox person, an independent thinker. Seems like those are the clients that find me. Perfect..."
    --Dr. Jim Nolan

  • "Disappointment" is not trauma. "That sucked" is not trauma. The word gets used WAY too loosely these days. Be careful with it.

    --Dr. James Mick Nolan

  • Life Coaching...

    Life Coaching...

    "The Second Half of Life brings all the best waves...Don't let yourself be held back..."
    ---Dr. Jim

  • Life Coaching...

    Life Coaching...

    2022---Good year for starting to walk a new talk...



    Are you living the life you had in mind? If not, we can start changing that today...

Authentic Encounters: Counseling & Coaching w/ Dr. Jim Nolan

—from Jim Nolan, Ph.D., Licensed Psychologist & Life Coach


Taj-793x1024     Thanks for stopping by to visit…

I believe that to a very significant degree, we create our own experience, largely as a matter of where we focus our attention, energy and action. That belief is pretty central to  my Life Coaching and Therapy work. For that matter, it’s the core from which I try to live my life. I call it the Principle of Attraction. My Counseling and Coaching practices are focused on empowerment, on you becoming the primary author of your life.

Who Comes to See Me, and Why?

Sometimes life just gets complicated, and you feel like it might be useful to talk to somebody. Who hasn’t been there? We’ll focus a lot on the positive, on your potential, on your Vision for your life. We will address what’s up for you (relationships, anxiety, depressed feelings), but we won’t get stuck in the past, or stay “problem-focused.” That is one of the errors of most “therapy”, from my perspective…If you want to go work in the past, on long-ago trauma, or “attachment” work, we can do that. That can be good work (it can also be a very slippery slope…) I frequently tell clients “If you want to pitch a tent back in 1977 for a couple nights, that’s OK–Just don’t start building your house there…” It is now 2024, and I would like to focus as much as possible on this year and your future… Sometimes we get out of synch with our true selves. It’s not a great thing…And way too often, going back into the past and mucking around with what did or did not happen in 1971 is just not useful…The point is, you want to live authentically, and do not want to be controlled by somebody else’s vision of things. If you are feeling emotional/psychological distress, you are probably compromising yourself, and generating “symptoms“, which are like emails from your Higher Self, saying “Dude, really? You’re going to do shit like THAT?!? You KNOW that’s not what you really want–we have talked about this a million times…What are you thinking?” That really is how I believe this works, a high percentage of the time…Part of us knows better, and we sometimes ignore that voice. Not a good idea… Who I Work With…
I work best with those that share my view of self-empowerment. When people put the power outside of themselves, they tend to end up blaming others, playing the victim, and not taking responsibility for their decisions, actions, and their lives. I can’t work with that. Because taking responsibility is where your power lies, where my power lies, and if we disempower ourselves by getting stuck on blaming Trump, Biden, Mom, Mercury Retrograde, our ex, the Patriarchy, Colonizers, Cryptocurrency, the Catholic Church, the Dog Barking Next Door, your Granny, Mussolini, Dad, the Incorrect Use of Pronouns, and the Weather, then we are in a lot of trouble.

I have been a Therapist and Coach for seven hundred million years, and I would love to help you shape your own life adventure in the direction that will bring you the most joy, prosperity, and professional success.

Feel free to contact me at jamesmicknolan@gmail.com. Or text me at  505-699-7616 (I tend to be a better texter than phone call guy, but can do either…)

(By the way, it seems like a lot of clients bring metaphysical, spiritual, non-ordinary reality stuff my way. I’ve never been quite sure why, other than I believe them, and honor ghosts, spirits, spooks, intuitions, gut-feelings, ancestors, past lives, Tarot, Astrology, Shamanism, and paranormal experiences…That’s all I can say…)

Either way, it’s time for change, and if you’ve read this far, you probably know that. It’s time.

I would be honored to be a part of your journey…


Hawaii Psychologist License #1653

Mexico Psychologist License #1382

New Mexico Licensed Professional Counselor License #0183411

New Mexico Alcohol & Drug Addictions Counselor License #0183421

In Hawai’i, I am taking HMAA, UHA, HMSA, CIGNA and a number of other insurances.

In New Mexico, I take Centennial Care, Presbyterian, Blue Cross/Blue Shield, Molina, United Health Care, Western Sky and I can be an “out of network” provider for other insurances.

For Life Coaching, I work everywhere on the planet, occasionally elsewhere. Click here for Life Coaching Fees and info.

Oh, and by the way, you wanna hear a couple of my tunes? (Side jam…….just for fun…Spotify and You Tube)  https://open.spotify.com/playlist/4H8aGUJVqJ7Q88qCZUguSl


verified by Psychology Today

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