Posts by James Nolan

Mango Jam from Egypt

I do not know how the world actually works. I am eating toast with mango jam. The guy next door has a big-ass mango tree which, when it fruits, drops mangoes by the score. However, the jam I am eating, it seems, is not from next door, or even Waimanalo or a neighboring…
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My Issue with So-Called “Evidence-Based Practice”

At its worst, “Evidence-Based Practice” invites us to abandon our own base of experience, suspend our reliance on intuition, and place the locus of authority in the hands of academicians who in practice subscribe to a scarily narrow ”way of knowing.” Additionally, we are often encouraged (bullied, in the Academy) to discount or ignore knowledge…
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High Up Diamond Head Road…

High Up Diamond Head Road                        1.21.2024   Sitting on an irregular volcanic stone wall high up Diamond Head Road, scores of surfers drifting down below. It’s Hawai’i, man. I’m just sitting here, being here, flirting uncharacteristically with the possibility that this could be something approaching “enough.” There is an incessant…
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Psychologists Are Not Allowed to Believe in Ghosts

Psychologists Are Not Allowed to Believe in Ghosts Or if they are, they generally keep it to themselves. “Evidence-based blah blah” and all that. The so-called “Science of Psychology.” Yeah, whatever.   A lot of clients, over the years, have brought in spooks, ghosts, spirits, ancestors, paranormal experiences, books flying off shelves,…
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The World of “Therapy” Is Changing Every Day. I’m Not, But IT Is…

I notice that "Therapies" have steadily moved (or so it seems?) toward "techniques", and "Alphabet Therapies." Also, the language of the field (if Facebook Groups are any kind of indication) grows more politicized, and in many ways more polarized. I sometimes think I feel the Zeitgeist moving AWAY from what I would…
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A Rant On Apologies

A Rant On Apologies If you have done something that was not a good look, or was inappropriate, or hurtful, or snarky, or unkind, or lacked in empathy, or got a laugh at somebody else’s expense, or was a misguided grenade that was meant for somebody else, I have an idea:   …
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The Whoop De Doo Museum

You know what I am not wild about? I’ll tell you what I’m not wild about, now that you’ve asked.   When you go on a trip, and you tell people you went on that trip, and visited some place, and they pull out that one particular thing--not infrequently a somewhat obscure…
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Tips/Observations/Experiences on Adding Coaching to Your Therapy Practice

Tips/Observations/Opinions/Experiences on Adding Coaching to Your Business   Remember, you are not restricted as to where you can practice as a Coach I earned several certificates in Coaching, none of which were really worth a d***, to be honest. I would still get one, just to have one, and possibly even…
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Coaching with James Mick: Reaching for Something Higher

Coaching Toward a Higher Vision People who are reasonably evolved,  resourceful, optimistic, and have a bit of the Visionary and the Maverick in them, usually find themselves creating rich and expansive options in life. They encounter decisions, opportunities, aspirations, intuitions, sometimes a great notion, visitations from guides of all sorts, spiritual inklings and awakenings.…
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My Credentials, Experiences, & Other Weird Stuff

Credentials & Experiences (OK, this is kind of Blah, Blah Blah, but...) Ph.D. in Counseling Psychology from THE Ohio State University (and almost 40 years in the biz) Have been Licensed in a million states, as a Psychologist, and/or Professional Counselor, and/or Addictions Guy Tow motor operator extraordinaire, if I do…
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Positive Psychology, The Principle of Attraction, & My Big Ideas

Positive Psychology is the applied science of identifying and using human resources, resourcefulness, and potentials to create the most meaningful, intentional, satisfying and/or joyful life experiences possible. It’s a great field. I love it. For purposes of my own private Psychologist/Coaching practice, it is important to note that the ultimate goals of Positive Psychology…
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Affordable Life Coaching, Part 2

I am a Psychologist that uses Positive Psychology, Life Coaching strategies and Law of Attraction principles in my work with clients. That has made me a bit of an outlier in my field, but in Santa Fe my practice was overflowing with people who were looking for precisely such a maverick approach, and I am completely…
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