My Approach to Helping Your Life Get Better…
Posted January 30th, 2020 by & filed under Jim's Views On The Universe, Featured.

People ask me "What Is Your Approach?" and this gives you an idea...…
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People ask me "What Is Your Approach?" and this gives you an idea...…
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Dr. Jim discusses some possibilities for how we approach the second half of life...…
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Aloha Honolulu & Nearby Neighborhoods!
I am a Psychologist that uses Life Coaching strategies and Law of Attraction principles in my work with clients. That has made me a bit of an outlier in my field, but in Santa Fe my practice was overflowing with people who were looking for precisely…
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Sometimes I Wish White People Would Be OK with Their Actual Heritage/Lineage
It’s a thing here in Santa Fe. Euros often seem to want to be, let’s just say, something other than what they are…
Cultural shame? Over-Idealization of the Other? I don’t know. Folks participating in other…
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Ten Things You Need to Know if You Are Thinking of Becoming a Therapist Psychologists and doctoral level therapists enjoy more prestige, generally speaking, than Master’s level therapists. To earn a doctorate takes a student 5-8 years, and to earn a Master’s Degree takes 2-4 years. I have heard a LOT…
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Ten Things You Need to Know if You Are Thinking of Becoming a Therapist
Psychologists and doctoral level therapists enjoy more prestige, generally speaking, than Master’s level therapists. To earn a doctorate takes a student 5-8 years, and to earn a Master’s Degree takes 2-4 years. I have heard a…
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I work a little differently from what you might have expected. I think my way offers better value, and a more satisfying therapy/coaching experience...
If You Are Using Insurance
Although insurance companies typically only pay for 50-minute hour/sessions (often less than that), I meet with clients for an…
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Things You Should Know About Life Coaches/Life Coaching
You do not need ANY training or credentials to call yourself a Life Coach
If your response to THAT statement was “Whoa, that’s kind of scary”, I would applaud you for being smart…
A lot of the “Coach Training Programs” out there…
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Reflections on Identifying Oneself as “Fierce” Suddenly all of these people want to be "Fierce." My experience has been that powerful and fierce people do not need to announce to others that they are powerful and fierce. Divine Warrior Gods/Goddesses (if there truly are such things—not at all sure about that)…
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A few days ago, I had a consultation with Dr. Janet Scarborough Civitelli, a member of this group. She is a Coach who knows a LOT about writing, books, blogs, publishing, and how all of that can serve my coaching practice. That is of course is why I hired her. …
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The Principle of Attraction, by Jim Nolan
I want to talk about what I have come to call the Principle of Attraction. (many talk about the “Law of Attraction”, but I prefer the term “Principle”, for reasons that may become clearer as you follow my blogs…)
This Principle…
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LOL! That's funny...I am so put off anymore by the guru thing, seriously. Anyway, Cleveland doesn't make Gurus. That is more a Santa Fe thing... OK, so I have pointed you in the direction of the history of the Law of Attraction, and offered some understanding…
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“What DOES this Law of Attraction stuff mean?”
I think that what gets called the Law of Attraction is not a Law at all, but a Principle, a Force, a Power, a Tool, a Trend, a Momentum, an Energy we can use for creating more experiences in our lives that we…
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Part 1 of 3: History of the Principle/Law of Attraction--Stuff You May Not Know...
What does it mean that I work with the Law of Attraction in my Therapy & Coaching practice? More and more people find me because I do, and more and more people ask me about it when…
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Lens of an Elder As I age and quieten, I see less and less need or desire for the filters provided (usually, but by no means always with good intent) by -isms, tribes, and thinkers that have come before me. Indeed, I increasingly see them as getting in the way of my having my…
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You have heard it a million times, right? 93% of all communication is non-verbal! Amazing, right?
Except it is total baloney.
Two little crummy studies, the results combined, with an N of like Nothing To Speak Of, unbelievably limited independent and dependent variables, and staggeringly little generalizability are…
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The Problem with Alpha Gone South, Masquerading as Leadership “Alpha” is not a skill set, or a talent, or even a strength. It is an attitude, or a belief, that one is, should be, or worse--simply wants to be, more dominant in a given situation. This can go south ever so…
Continue reading Looking for a Therapist, or a Coach, or some Mentoring? Cool. If you're looking for a Guru, better keep looking.......... jim …
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One of My Greatest Learnings Over 65 Years.
(I have a lot of colleagues and acquaintances who cannot get this one, and I wish they would, but there is some built-in narrative that will not allow it. It saddens me about 93% of the time and is annoying as hell the…
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Psychotherapists, Counselors, Medicaid, Money, & You Therapists and $$$$ Many therapists (maybe ESPECIALLY Psychologists) will not take Medicaid. Mostly they say that the administrators of Medicaid are a pain in the rear, that a lot of clients on Medicaid can be very complicated, and last, but never…
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New Online Therapy/Counseling/Coaching Options for INFPs
People have contacted me many times in the past about my Counseling or Life Coaching Services after reading my articles about being an INFP.
Well, now I am one of the therapists on and am providing online counseling and coaching services to dozens of…
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Using "Contrast" as a positive force in one's life...…
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Doc finds meaning once again in Siddhartha, a book he has read many times over 4 decades...…
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Doctor Jim talks about using the Power of Ganesha in everyday life......…
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I couldn’t sleep.
I found an old box of journals I had written in the 1970’s and 1980’s, chronicling my life (as it were), my angst, and my overall consciousness.
It’s a good place to hang out, in your own psyche, forty years or so ago, give or take five or ten…when you…
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Thoughts Later in Life…
--by Jim Nolan
What has it all been about?
Is that the wrong question?
If it’s not over, is the meaning still up ahead?
Is ‘meaning’ what I should be looking for?
Do I just fill the time?
With things,…
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Doc offers a fun, simple way to think about your own personal mission statement...…
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A Poem about life...…
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“How You Doing With the Dying Thing?” --by Jim Nolan
Nobody talks about getting older, and what kinds of inner monologues rumble through our days and consciousness about that inevitability. The younger ones do not think on it much, and we elders have some kind of less-than-conscious agreement not to bring it up, for…
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When Men Want Big Changes in Their Lives
(And Somebody Ain’t Happy About It…) ---by Jim Nolan
“To thine own self be true.” --Polonious
This kind of advice can be found in many variations, and in many traditions. Though this example comes from a blowhard old fart in Shakespeare’s Hamlet, it still…
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Men in their 50's and 60's often are very stuck, their experiences misunderstood, even by themselves...…
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There are not Four Directions,
as there are not Seven Chakras.
There is no Holy Trinity,
as there is no “New Mexico.”
It is OK to pretend,
to tell these stories,
and it is a lot better
to remember
that we are pretending,
that we are…
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Extroverts Do Not “Get” Introversion --by Jim Nolan Oh, they may think they do. They don’t. Many of them still think it's shyness, or social anxiety, or just needing to be encouraged some more. "C'mon, Big Guy, you can too sing Karaoke!!!" It's none of those things. Of course there will be your occasional…
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--by Dr. James Michael Nolan
A lot of people get caught up in all kinds of details and what-ifs when it comes to the so-called “Law of Attraction” (which I happen to call the Principle of Attraction, for reasons you can read about…) Some people end up wanting to fight about it.…
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“Of COURSE I Have ADHD—Right?”
So recently I found myself saying (on several different occasions) “Oh, I’m sure I’m ADD or ADHD, though I’ve never been diagnosed.” I’m always moving a million miles an hour, high speed trains running through my head, a thousand projects going at once, and all the usual Welcome…
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I am getting a lot of calls these days for my private practice. Thankfully, my clients almost always tell me why they called me (rather than, or in addition to, the thirty-seven thousand OTHER therapists in Honolulu or Santa Fe…) It’s almost always about two things. OK---let's call it four.
My profile…
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I am a Psychotherapist, or a Counselor, or a Life Coach, or something along those lines.
My clients often inspire me. When we are hitting our stride, when the stars line up, I get to walk with them through the blooming of their lives. It’s humbling when it goes like that…
And it…
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Psychologist, Life Coach, or Both?!?
You don’t have to be a licensed Psychologist to also do Life Coaching, but man, it sure helps.
My experience over time has been that my sessions with clients drift many times, often within the same session, between “Coaching Stuff” (identifying client strengths and dreams,…
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A poem on Empowerment.....…
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How Dr. Jim approaches therapy...…
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Playing Catch as Ceremony by Jim Nolan
Somebody who didn’t know baseball might have seen the five of us out there and call it “Guys throwing baseballs on the beach.” But you might call somebody nailing a Mozart Sonata “Guy plunking keys”, or a Lakota Pipe Ceremony “Dudes going out for a smoke"…
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It's the Oddest Thing
Canto 1
There is not much time left,
but we agree not to talk about it--
It's the oddest thing,
but there it is.
Canto 2
I can't decide whether to
"make every moment count"
or just not think…
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Jim strolls the French Quarter at dawn, and reflects...…
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New Orleans is Not Like Bombay
by Jim Nolan, President, Therapist, Life Coach
That being said, being in New Orleans, and my draw to New Orleans brings Bombay to mind…
I find that what my mind has no familiar model for, I tend to experience as “chaos.” It’s not,…
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Questions come to mind:
Is something "Sacred" because somebody claims it to be so? (That seems random...)
Is one lake "Sacred" while others are not? (That seems unlikely...)
Is everything "Sacred", but not everything is honored by being named so by the people living around it? (Hmmm...)
Is something "Sacred"…
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