Posts by James Nolan

Therapist/Life Coach, Law of Attraction in Honolulu and Aina-Haina

Aloha Honolulu & Nearby Neighborhoods! I am a Psychologist that uses Life Coaching strategies and Law of Attraction principles in my work with clients. That has made me a bit of an outlier in my field, but in Santa Fe my practice was overflowing with people who were looking for precisely…
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What Is A Coach Worth?

A few days ago, I had a consultation with Dr. Janet Scarborough Civitelli, a member of this group. She is a Coach who knows a LOT about writing, books, blogs, publishing, and how all of that can serve my coaching practice. That is of course is why I hired her. …
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Thoughts Later in Life: A Poem

Thoughts Later in Life…          --by Jim Nolan   What has it all been about? Is that the wrong question? If it’s not over, is the meaning still up ahead? Is ‘meaning’ what I should be looking for? Do I just fill the time? With things,…
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Extroverts Think Introverts Will Convert Once They Realize How Awesome Extroversion Is. Wrong.

Extroverts Do Not “Get” Introversion   --by Jim Nolan Oh, they may think they do. They don’t. Many of them still think it's shyness, or social anxiety, or just needing to be encouraged some more. "C'mon, Big Guy, you can too sing Karaoke!!!"  It's none of those things. Of course there will be your occasional…
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Baseball as Ceremony

Playing Catch as Ceremony  by Jim Nolan   Somebody who didn’t know baseball might have seen the five of us out there and call it “Guys throwing baseballs on the beach.” But you might call somebody nailing a Mozart Sonata “Guy plunking keys”, or a Lakota Pipe Ceremony “Dudes going out for a smoke"…
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The S*** Is Hitting the Fan, and I Love It…

  New Orleans is Not Like Bombay by Jim Nolan, President, Therapist, Life Coach      That being said, being in New Orleans, and my draw to New Orleans brings Bombay to mind…   I find that what my mind has no familiar model for, I tend to experience as “chaos.” It’s not,…
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What Is “Sacred”, Anyway? Holy Reflections from New Orleans…

Questions come to mind: Is something "Sacred" because somebody claims it to be so? (That seems random...) Is one lake "Sacred" while others are not? (That seems unlikely...) Is everything "Sacred", but not everything is honored by being named so by the people living around it? (Hmmm...) Is something "Sacred"…
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