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Mango Jam from Egypt
I do not know how the world actually works. I am eating toast with mango jam. The guy next door has a big-ass mango tree which, when it fruits,...
Excerpt from My Book: “So Anyways, In My Early Ohio State Days…”
Coming of age in the early 70's......
Excerpt from My Book…”The Cuyahoga River Was Catching Fire……”
The Cuyahoga River Was Catching Fire for the 13th Time The Cuyahoga River was catching fire for the 13th time. It was Cleveland, late 1960’s. This would be the...
Let’s Stop This Stupid Game
Please STOP with the "People who waste their money getting worthless degrees are stupid" narrative. ...
I Don’t Want A “Healing”…
Questioning the use of the word "Healing" to describe experiences or interactions that were really positive. ...
We’re All Writing Songs…
We all have cool, or interesting, or important stuff going on in our lives, at all times...I need to not forget that......
“Shine”, he said…
Shine… A great friend of mine, Dr. Michael Johll, once told a disgruntled grad school graduate, who vehemently declared she would not work for $15 an hour (but remained...
Mongooses in Hawai’i
Mongooses in Hawai’i They brought mongooses to Hawai’i to keep rats the hell out of the sugar cane fields. Seventy-two of them from Jamaica in...
Positive Psychology & Why It Is So Important In My Practice
My practics is focused on how to make our lives all that they can be. Boom. ...
There Are Two Ways of Approaching Life
Positive thinking and an Internal Locus of Control are hugely beneficial assets for a satisfying life. ...
I Don’t Have Enough Money to Retire: The Story
We tell ourselves stories, and then convince ourselves they are The Truth. ...
Life Coaching Fees
Although I am looking to semi-retire, I always look forward to working with clients who are a great fit......
What Is The Answer To Almost Every Question?
James Mick shares the answer to almost every question......
I Remember Smoking Cigs in College Classes…
I remember smoking cigarettes in college classes (all English majors and professors did), on airplanes, in theatres, even in the Vic Tanny Gym locker room. I remember cars without...
Affordable Life Coaching, Finally
My Mission To offer affordable Life Coaching to people who are a good fit with me, so that they can live the life they envision, and I have more...
Manifesto on Manifestation, Part 2 of 2
Dr. J offers part 2 of how to make stuff happen in your life......
Manifesto on Manifestation, Part 1 of 2
Dr. J discusses centuries old principles related to manifesting what you want in life......
The Hippocratic Oath Does Not Say What They Say It Says
Hippocratic Oath Remember when Hippocrates said “Above all, do no harm”? Yeah, except that is not what the Hippocratic Oath says. Isn’t that one hell of a...
Practical Tips for Using the Law of Attraction in Your Life
This piece is meant to offer practical advice on the Law of Attraction......
My Approach to Helping Your Life Get Better…
People ask me "What Is Your Approach?" and this gives you an idea......
How We Approach the 2nd Half of Life…
Dr. Jim discusses some possibilities for how we approach the second half of life......
Law of Attraction Guru? Part 3 of 3
LOL! That's funny...I am so put off anymore by the guru thing, seriously. Anyway, Cleveland doesn't make Gurus. That is more a Santa Fe thing......
What Is the Principle/Law of Attraction? Part 2 of 3
“What DOES this Law of Attraction stuff mean?” I think that what gets called the Law of Attraction is not a Law at all, but a...
The Law of Attraction in Holy Scriptures & Psychology
Part 1 of 3: History of the Principle/Law of Attraction--Stuff You May Not Know... What does it mean that I work with the Law of Attraction...
Thoughts Later in Life: A Poem
Thoughts Later in Life… --by Jim Nolan What has it all been about? Is that the wrong question? If it’s not over,...
“How You Doing With the Dying Thing?”
“How You Doing With the Dying Thing?” --by Jim Nolan Nobody talks about getting older, and what kinds of inner monologues rumble through our days and consciousness about that...
When Men Want Big Changes In Their Lives…
When Men Want Big Changes in Their Lives (And Somebody Ain’t Happy About It…) ---by Jim Nolan “To thine own self be true.” --Polonious This kind of...
The Great Honor of Coaching People in Their Forties, Fifties and Sixties
Men in their 50's and 60's often are very stuck, their experiences misunderstood, even by themselves......
Extroverts Think Introverts Will Convert Once They Realize How Awesome Extroversion Is. Wrong.
Extroverts Do Not “Get” Introversion --by Jim Nolan Oh, they may think they do. They don’t. Many of them still think it's shyness, or social anxiety, or just needing to...
Law/Principle of Attraction for Dummies, Sort Of…
--by Dr. James Michael Nolan A lot of people get caught up in all kinds of details and what-ifs when it comes to the so-called “Law of...
“Of COURSE I have ADD/ADHD–Right?” (Questioning Diagnoses…)
“Of COURSE I Have ADHD—Right?” So recently I found myself saying (on several different occasions) “Oh, I’m sure I’m ADD or ADHD, though I’ve never been diagnosed.” I’m...
What I Offer As a Therapist/Coach: Reflections…
I am getting a lot of calls these days for my private practice. Thankfully, my clients almost always tell me why they called me (rather than, or in addition...
Home Runs in Our Sessions
I am a Psychotherapist, or a Counselor, or a Life Coach, or something along those lines. My clients often inspire me. When we are hitting our stride, when the...
Psychologist, Life Coach, or Both?!?
Psychologist, Life Coach, or Both?!? You don’t have to be a licensed Psychologist to also do Life Coaching, but man, it sure helps. My experience...