Blog › Musings on Therapy
The World of “Therapy” Is Changing Every Day. I’m Not, But IT Is…
I notice that "Therapies" have steadily moved (or so it seems?) toward "techniques", and "Alphabet Therapies." Also, the language of the field (if Facebook Groups are any...
Ethics, Catholicism, Psychology and Stealing from Carl Rogers
Calling it Ethics doesn't make it Ethics. ...
Why People That Fire Me Fire Me
Why Clients That Fire Me Fire Me I am a very big believer in taking responsibility for our own experiences in life. Were we...
The Great Honor of Coaching People in Their Forties, Fifties and Sixties
Men in their 50's and 60's often are very stuck, their experiences misunderstood, even by themselves......
What I Offer As a Therapist/Coach: Reflections…
I am getting a lot of calls these days for my private practice. Thankfully, my clients almost always tell me why they called me (rather than, or in addition...
Home Runs in Our Sessions
I am a Psychotherapist, or a Counselor, or a Life Coach, or something along those lines. My clients often inspire me. When we are hitting our stride, when the...
Psychologist, Life Coach, or Both?!?
Psychologist, Life Coach, or Both?!? You don’t have to be a licensed Psychologist to also do Life Coaching, but man, it sure helps. My experience...
Manifesting Your Ass Off? Your Bar May STILL Be Too Low…
Hi...I am a Therapist and a Life Coach. I have had a really strong run at manifesting in my life, and I don’t even think I’m very good at keeping...
5 Things We Need in Our Lives: A Therapist’s Observations…
What We Need in Our Lives: A Therapist’s Observations, by Jim Nolan Something to look forward to. OK, I get the “Now” thing, and that’s coming up on...
Empowerment as a Choice: Victimhood as a Choice
Empowerment as a Choice: Victimhood as a Choice --by Jim Nolan Life happens. People do what they do, elect who they elect, love what they love, get into...
Thoughts on Why My Practice is Booming.
Dr. Jim Nolan is having a banner year in his private practice. Here's why. Maybe. ...
Some Therapists Are Bus Drivers, Others Cabbies…
Some therapists are bus drivers, some cabbies. Bus drivers have set routes. It’s where they go, and it’s important for them to keep to timelines. They stop where they...
You May Be Eligible for Free Personal Counseling
For Many, Personal Counseling is Free You probably did not know that. If you have insurance, you may very well be eligible for free personal counseling. If you...
Who Comes to See Me In Private Practice…
Observations on who seems to come see me in Private Practice......
Why “Therapy” is Not “Therapy”: C’mon, Psychology–Let’s Be Honest
"Therapists" do not actually DO therapy. Why, then, do we use that word?...
Personal Counseling is Often Free (or close) in New Mexico & Hawai’i
For many, Counseling these days is free, or close to it. A lot of people don't know that yet......
Principle of Attraction in Clinical Practice–Part 2
Doc presents alternative ways to approach Therapy, using Positive Psychology and the Principle of Attraction. ...
What’s Wrong with “What’s Wrong?”–And the Law of Attraction
What we focus upon tends to be what we create, and what we attract. So it can be a problem that when traditional Psychotherapy focuses so heavily on "what is...
Taking Responsibility is Always Freeing…
Learning to take responsibility sooner, rather than later, when you screw something up, is its own spiritual path......