LOL! That’s funny…I am so put off anymore by the guru thing, seriously.
Anyway, Cleveland doesn’t make Gurus. That is more a Santa Fe thing…
OK, so I have pointed you in the direction of the history of the Law of Attraction, and offered some understanding of what I think the Law of Attraction is, or means.
So am I an Expert in the Law of Attraction?
Nope. I wouldn’t say it that way. I am just very open to using all kinds of information, or tools that help me think differently, so we can explore your life in new and positive ways. I look beyond just “the research” in Psychology, which is an incredibly limited and limiting place to look for guidance in our lives, I have to tell you.
I listen to Law of Attraction tapes regularly. I have seen Esther Hicks in person (totally amazing) I do a LOT of internal checking during my day to see whether I am on a higher-flying disc, staying positive and intentional, and so on–it becomes less a therapeutic/coaching strategy, and more a mindset, or lifestyle…
I get two astrology readings a year, from an 80 some year old Irish woman named Maura. I love these. I listen to them a million times. They make me think a lot, whether I understand, or agree, or not. That in itself is valuable.
I find the Myers-Briggs Type Inventory really, really helpful for me and my clients. Being an INFP has shaped my life profoundly, and understanding that fact has been huge in my becoming more comfortable being a maverick guy in this old world…
So you could say I look to a lot of sources for information and insights that I can use in life. The Law of Attraction is one of the most valuable to me. We will use it as one of our guiding principles that can help you get where you want to be going.
So if I Am Not a Law of Attraction Guru, What Do I Bring?
In this conversation, one of the primary assets I bring is an awareness of the Principle/Law of Attraction as a powerful phenomenon in our lives, and a willingness to invite those conversations into the room and take them seriously. Honestly, most therapists won’t–they view LOA as silly, as wishful thinking, as asking the Santy Claus universe for a shiny sports car and a horsie. (They are completely ignorant of its history and value, in other words. I can easily demonstrate to them that they use its principles without actually knowing it, but they often like being against something more than they like understanding it.) Others see it as selfish, and yet others see it as blaming people for the life they find themselves living. As suggested, lots and lots of people spend lots of time getting into against-ness with the Law of Attraction. People are funny. You might have noticed.
The naysayers are generally uninformed–they have not really studied the materials or the history of the ideas. I also think they do not like the idea that we hold major responsibility for the experiences in our own lives. You may have noted that a lot of folks would prefer to blame somebody else (Mom, Donald Trump, my stupid boss) or something else (Mercury Retrograde, the Republican Party, my Catholic Upbringing) for their problems or situation in life. This becomes what often passes for therapy these days–finding the ones to blame. You see it in our culture too—it is all over the news, the social movements, the political arena…
While demonizing and blaming somebody else for some experience we have had might feel good for, oh, five minutes, it does LITTLE to empower us to be more effective authors and architects of our own lives. That’s why I try to move us out of that territory as soon as possible.
Final Notes
So anyway, that kind of gives you an idea how I understand and use the Principle/Law of Attraction in my Therapy and Coaching Practice. I love clients who find me specifically to do this kind of work. Again, most therapists won’t get anywhere near it, and that’s fine with me.
Some people come in for therapy, using their insurance, and we incorporate this work into the therapy work. Some come to me more primarily as a Coach, and do not use insurance. Either way is fine. We all have different needs at different times in our lives.
I hope this was helpful. Feel free to write, text or contact me.