Hi…I am a Therapist and a Life Coach. I have had a really strong run at manifesting in my life, and I don’t even think I’m very good at keeping my thinking clean and positive. OMG, I can get whiny, negative, blaming, and all blah blah blah about the world, people I work with, and on and on. Hit me over the head with a ball bat.
But I still manifest a lot. I bet you do too. Still—ever have the suspicion that you’re not dreaming big enough?
Tools To Help You Mainfest
We have to be intentional about this stuff. It may or may not be your taste, but I listen to the Abraham-Hicks CDs a lot (or You Tube), and find that very helpful in reminding me that everything is there for the asking, and the biggest obstacle in actually MANIFESTING what I would like in my life is me…I have to take that responsibility, and hold that power. There are lots and lots of other people you can listen to or read about this kind of thing–I just happen to find the Abraham stuff clean, consistent, sharp. Some people have told me they like A Course in Miracles, Anthony Robbins, or something else. That’s great. Find your own guides. But it is my/your/our job to hold on to the worldview/mindset/belief system that you/we/I can HAVE so much more in our lives, if only we let ourselves be open to it flowing in…
And when I say “have so much more in our lives”, I do NOT necessarily mean the red sports car, the winning lottery ticket, or the six pack abs–it can be anything–“Stuff” can be helping others more effectively, more love, more friendship, more spiritual connection–it can be whatever you want it to be. AND if you want the daggone red sports car, go ahead and want it!
Yeah…Big stuff…some people hate having that much responsibility and power in their own lives, because they’d rather be lazy and blame somebody else for the fact that they do not have what they want…AND THAT IS OK! YOU just have to choose not to live with that narrative in your head…
Anyway…..thanks for reading….If any of this resonates for you, we might be able to work well together…Sometimes we’re just not quite ready to dream bigger, or to let it in. That’s all right too. I am just hear to remind myself (and anybody else who might be listening) that that we might limit our own manifestations by dreaming too small, or not dreaming at all…
As a wrap-up, let’s call to mind the words of Henry Ford: “If you think you can do a thing, or think you cannot do a thing, you are right…”
Rock on…
Text me at 505-699-7616