Show Up Consciously.
There are a lot, and I mean utter wheelbarrows and dump trucks full of people who want to take this opportunity, these uncertain times, to loot and colonize our psyches, to tell us what side of what issue we should be on, and how we should act, and when. They want to re-write our own experiences of ourselves, our own personal history, to align with their agenda, and sign up for their club, their ism.
In this spirit, I have no interest in telling YOU how and when and where you should show up, or on what side of whatever aisle. I DO strongly recommend consulting your Higher Consciousness, your innermost values, and align with those.
Those values may clarify that there is more than one way to show up consciously. Identify those options for yourself. I would recommend against letting ourselves be bullied, by right or left, or shamed, or otherwise shoved into somebody else’s idea of how THEY think we should show up.
Listening and evaluating is usually not a bad idea. Just maintain your alignment with yourself and your Source as you do so.
The answers are not in some articles (there are a billion articles flying around social media), nor in some meme (triple that), nor in ANY dogma whatsoever.
Dogma says “You don’t need to think—we did the thinking for you.”
Dogma is the opposite of consciousness, and certainly the opposite of Freedom.