Over recent years, it has become hip to dismiss New Year’s Resolutions as simplistic, as invitations to failure, as cheesy, amateur tricks for self-growth. I guess if you want to go in that direction, you can. You might be missing a very significant opportunity to apply the Principle of Attraction in your life.
I happen to appreciate the archetypal opportunity to “have a new start”, even if it does rest on a kind of random date for the launch. I happen to love the invitation to reflect and set intentions, and I would encourage you to at least be open to the possibility that the iconic New Year marking point can be used to make some significant advances in your life’s plan.
Think of the various dimensions of your life:
- Physical/Fitness/Wellness/Diet/Weight/Tone/Exercise
- Career Path/Job/Finances/Prosperity/Abundance/Meaning
- Relationships/Connections/Networking/Friendships
- Spirituality/Groundedness/Mindfulness/Consciousness/Meaning
- Creativity/Writing/Art/Music
- Intellectual
- Environmental/Living Arrangements/Feng Shui
- Emotional/Mood/State of Mind/Happiness/Joy
OK, I don’t know about you, but I have aspirations in every one of those categories—I am not completely satisfied anywhere on that list. That is not to say that I do not feel a sense of accomplishment in MANY of the areas, but I am not finished, and may never be finished—I tend to challenge myself to more and more life satisfaction, joy, and prosperity all the time. And I feel that if I am not applying the Principle of Attraction, I am not doing my part, and have no business wondering why the universe is not delivering…
(I’d make a lousy Buddhist—thank God that is not on my Bucket List…)
In the past couple years, I have hired or consulted with a Personal Trainer, a Life Coach, an Attorney, several Mentors, financial consultants, business consultants, any number of confidantes, and a therapist. I cannot do all of this stuff optimally on my own. OK, that’s not true—I could—But I am not going to, or if I do, it is going to take a lot more time to get where I want to go if I do not have a Coach or a guide.
I would encourage you to think about whether this is the year, maybe the New Year’s Resolution, where you decide what areas of growth to focus upon, and what professionals, friends, consultants, hairdressers, or bartenders might be the ones most likely to help move you toward a satisfying and meaningful 2016.
Personally, (and I am already working on my own Resolutions), I am looking at
- Some more gains (or, more accurately, losses!) in the physical fitness realm
- Closer, and more skilled and intentional management of my financial resources
- The further development of my private Therapy and Coaching Practice
- The creation of a Clinical Supervision Group
- A greater focus on mindfulness and intentionality
- Re-authoring my personal and work spaces to accommodate energetically all of my other areas of personal and professional growth
- Writing, publishing an eBook of my poetry
- Making videos, both for my Private Practice, as well as music videos, just for fun, just because I have wanted to do that for 25 years!
Oh, there will be more, but that is where I am heading, as we move into 2016. And I will be making decisions on which resources to hire, where to use Self-Help resources, when to just kick myself in the ass, and where I need to be serious, and use Life Coaches to help me move things forward.
You don’t have to do any of these. You may be the type of person who is OK with letting things just drift along and go where they may, trusting the process that your life will get exactly where it needs to go.
However, if you are more proactive, and more dynamically driven, and want to take more control and responsibility for the quality of your 2016, you might consider some of the stuff I have written about.
You might even want to start working on your New year’s Resolutions…