Anybody Can Be A Life Coach!
Posted May 8th, 2024 by & filed under Featured, Musings on My Life Coaching.

Anybody can proclaim themselves a "Life Coach." Think about that...…
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Anybody can proclaim themselves a "Life Coach." Think about that...…
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Tips/Observations/Opinions/Experiences on Adding Coaching to Your Business
Remember, you are not restricted as to where you can practice as a Coach
I earned several certificates in Coaching, none of which were really worth a d***, to be honest. I would still get one, just to have one, and possibly even…
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Although I am looking to semi-retire, I always look forward to working with clients who are a great fit...…
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Aloha Honolulu & Nearby Neighborhoods!
I am a Psychologist that uses Life Coaching strategies and Law of Attraction principles in my work with clients. That has made me a bit of an outlier in my field, but in Santa Fe my practice was overflowing with people who were looking for precisely…
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Psychologist, Life Coach, or Both?!?
You don’t have to be a licensed Psychologist to also do Life Coaching, but man, it sure helps.
My experience over time has been that my sessions with clients drift many times, often within the same session, between “Coaching Stuff” (identifying client strengths and dreams,…
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Doc offers some interesting potential connections between INFPs and the Principle or Law of Attraction...…
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INFPs Are One-of-a-Kind If you are an INFP and you feel weird on the planet, it kind of makes sense, because statistically, you are. INFPs make up an extremely small percentage of our culture, so feeling like we are weird, and being PERCEIVED as kind of weird, is something we should get used to. Learning that…
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We are often too quick to look for answers before we find the right questions...Life Coaching can help you ask different, and better, questions. …
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