Part 1 of 3: History of the Principle/Law of Attraction–Stuff You May Not Know…
What does it mean that I work with the Law of Attraction in my Therapy & Coaching practice? More and more people find me because I do, and more and more people ask me about it when they see it on my web site.
Seems important to talk about that…
The History of the Law of Attraction
Many people think the Law of Attraction started with “The Secret” or with the Abraham Hicks materials. Maybe they saw something on Oprah once and thought it was the newest thing.
Well, they’re in for a shocker.
The fundamentals go back thousands of years to the man/god that some consider the world’s first philosopher, Hermes Trismegistus and the Hermetic Teachings. (check this out– https://digilander.libero.it/vangeli/hermetic.htm#law)
Elements of the Law of Attraction have been part of most great philosophical and religious lineages across the centuries. It is found in the following:
—Vedic Scriptures (https://www.speakingtree.in/blog/law-of-attraction-in-hindu-scriptures);
–The Koran: https://mybeliefs.co.uk/2012/10/10/the-law-of-attraction-from-an-islamic-point-of-view/
—the tenets of the New Thought movement (http://www.thelawofattraction.com/history-new-thought-authors/);
—in European and American Transcendentalism;
—in the principles of Cognitive Behavioral and Narrative Therapy;
—in any discussion of “Karma”, and
—In the Bible itself. (https://www.outofstress.com/bible-teachings-law-attraction/)
In short, the Law of Attraction has been around. It is not some woo-woo thing that got made up in the 1990’s.
What is it???? That’s up next… http://drjamesmichaelnolan.com/uncategorized/what-is-the-principle-law-of-attraction-part-2-of-3/