New Online Therapy/Counseling/Coaching Options for INFPs
People have contacted me many times in the past about my Counseling or Life Coaching Services after reading my articles about being an INFP.
Well, now I am one of the therapists on BetterHelp.com. and am providing online counseling and coaching services to dozens of clients all over the world (seriously—MOST of my clients are from other countries—Kuwait, Singapore, the UK, Nigeria, and on and on. Interesting….)
Part of this is the “Digital Generation” (Every one of my clients is under 40, except one.) They LIKE working online, using text and email, as we do in Betterhelp. Part of it is really the Introverted thing—I am guessing that MOST of my clients on Betterhelp are INFPs, or at least NFs.
Betterhelp (and, I assume, the other companies who do this—I am applying, but not yet on them) is PERFECT in many ways for Introverts. Much of it is “asynchronous” (we are not necessarily online at the same time—more like emailing and texting to each other), though we CAN do a “Live Session” (which is texting in real time, though it CAN involve video or audio. (Seems like nobody chooses those options, though….)
Anyway, wanted to let you know that for INFPs, these kinds of services might be really helpful! They are affordable, and do not require travel, or even setting appointments, unless you want one.
Very Interesting stuff, indeed, my fellow INFPs……
Jim Nolan
Betterhelp Therapist