The Problem with Alpha Gone South, Masquerading as Leadership
“Alpha” is not a skill set, or a talent, or even a strength. It is an attitude, or a belief, that one is, should be, or worse–simply wants to be, more dominant in a given situation. This can go south ever so quickly. It is a drive to take control, do “power over” in a situation, a group, an initiative, or an organization. “My view is superior, my position is superior, I have the most experience, or even if not, it is more important here than yours—in short, you will do well to just get behind me.” And there is a price if and when you do not. The Alpha Gone South so often does not really listen, does not take others into account, because, frankly, they just don’t feel that others matter much. Alpha flows toward, and too often merges with, narcissism. If you cannot see that in the world these days, you are not looking very hard.
One of the fatal flaws of many Alphas (Look toward Washington, although there are many other places to look, closer to home) is that there is so often an arrogance, that assumption of superiority, a self-perception that one is indeed the ascendant presence in the room. When one carries this big stick heavily with them, data become irrelevant—they can’t see it, will not see it, or dismiss it out of hand. No matter the evidence surrounding them, no matter that the people around them whisper about that arrogance and the shortcomings the Alpha cannot see, or even imagine. Despite the harm they do to others in their quest to hold power, which they see as their natural domain, the Alpha Gone South moves forward, rolling over what they perceive to be smaller lives, rolling toward the pedestal upon which they will set themselves, the pedestal they see as their natural place in the hierarchy. They often wave some kind of spiritual banner, which is meant to be seen as proof positive of a manifest destiny. “Look at my lineage—this was all meant to be, and is as it should be…Spirit would have it be so…”
Visionary is NOT the same as Alpha. Neither is Leadership. Those derive from merit, from a demonstration of a capacity to survey the greater field, take in the wisdom of others, and put things together in an innovative and inspiring manner. Visionaries do not lead through fear, or by being over-bearing, or by frank bullying. Those are the tools of the Alpha Gone South.
We have all worked with and for, the Alpha Gone South. It is hard to avoid them in organizational life. They live to seize that seat in the Board Room, or Executive Table, in a Gang, or in a political party. The Alpha with some charm is perhaps the most dangerous of all, as that often allows them to throw a charismatic glow over their drive to control and hold power. From a short distance, we may not even see that anything has gone south, but when you get close to that fire, we feel the burn.
I am just naming what we all know is. It would be worth our while to take note of those in power around us, or those seeking power. We might break our own trance, and recognize that those who are shoving themselves to the top of the heap are actually Alphas Gone South. They are never to be trusted. Sure, when you are on their side, furthering their agenda, being delegated work they do not want to do themselves, you can stay safe.
But unlike in the case of true visionary leaders, when you no longer serve the purposes of the alpha (again, not a skill set, just a desire to dominate), you will be dismissed summarily, and a narrative will be created to make you seem like you are the cause of all the problems that the Alpha will not own, because that is not something Alphas Gone South do. You’ve seen it a million times…
Alphas among humans in 2019 are always suspect. In the animal world, Alpha simply means the one who is the strongest and can dominate and, if need be, kill the others. Among humans, that is not how it works. It is more the willingness to kill the others, almost always for some falsely righteous/ideological/spiritual cause that simply masks their true characterological makeup. “Because if you don’t I will make your life, shall we say, uncomfortable, and I will make you wish you had never crossed me” is only an inch or two away from “Because If you don’t I will kick your ass.” That is not motivation—that is threatening and bullying to get your way. It is not OK. Never was, never will be.