And I have long valued Practice-Based Evidence over the purported “evidence” that is the backbone of Evidence-Based Practice. I have penned a Thesis, a Dissertation, and a co-written a handful of articles, and have a feel for how the “evidence” comes to be vetted as evidence, and I am not duly impressed.
None of this means I am right about anything. I simply have a perspective based on 70 years on the planet, and roughly 40 in the field, and the New Shiny Thing does not dazzle me (maybe it should, but…), and the refereed article from a study of “575 undergraduates at a major midwestern university” wows me less.
Connection. Authenticity. Relationships. Empowerment. Self-Expression. Heart-Based action. Whatever is 180 from Dogma. No fear or distrust of the metaphysical realms. What even seems to me a potentially naive notion that we are “All One”, and/or “All In This Together.” Also a belief that we can very significantly shape the experience we have in this lifetime. That’s my jam.
Among my peers in graduate school back in the 1980’s, this would have been mainstream. My take is that it no longer is.
And that’s OK. It was never on my bucket list to be mainstream.