Aloha Honolulu & Nearby Neighborhoods!
I am a Psychologist that uses Life Coaching strategies and Law of Attraction principles in my work with clients. That has made me a bit of an outlier in my field, but in Santa Fe my practice was overflowing with people who were looking for precisely such a maverick approach, and I am completely convinced there are as many such progressive thinkers in Honolulu. And probably more.
My clients tend to be those working on “Second Half of Life” Visions, having already done their work on Mom, their ex, 1974, and all that “first time in therapy” stuff some time back. (However, I DO get chronologically young Old Souls who are doing their Vision work, especially INFPs and those that resonate with the Law of Attraction sensibilities.)
Mid-Life Visioning (not Crisis…)
A lot of people experience a desire to change at a time in life when the culture (the family, your partner, your kids, your brother, your neighbor, Father McCarthy, Rabbi Rabinowitz, your Granny, you name it) think you should stay the course, not rock the boat, keep on your current path, stop talkin’ crazy, and so on. But sometimes the heart wants something different, something more.
Telling your Visionary Self to grow the hell up, shut the hell up, put a lid on it, act its age, or get real, leads to not-good stuff. You know it, I know it. Somehow, not everybody knows it. It scares them to think it is possible…If you demonstrate successfully that Transformation is possible at your age, they see it as an indictment of their own unwillingness to listen to their Inner Voice. Which it kind of is. Not that you MEAN it that way, but…
So anyway, we continue to evolve in our 50’s and 60’s (I can’t yet speak for the 70’s, but I bet…) Living an outdated Vision, or somebody else’s Vision, is not good for us when we are restless and inspired by a new Vision of our own. Or a strong desire to Create a new Vision, because the other one has been dead for years. (I just moved to Hawai’i at age 65, and I should have been here at age 60, so I get it…Most of my many major transitions in life came at least three years past when they should have happened…I’m a Scorpio–we are badass once we get off the schneid, but we do get stuck sometimes…)
So if at any age or stage of life you are working on a New Vision for your future, let’s talk. Evolution cannot be denied…(I think that’s a T-Shirt idea, man…)
Oh, and if you are not prepared to bring humor and hope to our work, you might not quite be ready…But I can probably help with that…
James Mick Nolan, PhD
Text me at 505-699-7616
or write to jamesmicknolan@gmail.com