A few days ago, I had a consultation with Dr. Janet Scarborough Civitelli, a member of this group. She is a Coach who knows a LOT about writing, books, blogs, publishing, and how all of that can serve my coaching practice. That is of course is why I hired her.
It was great.
She asked me at the end “So was this worth the fee?” To which I answered “Oh, way more than that…”
But I later had a light-bulb moment.
Janet gave me information, insights, and guidance. She created what I am going to call high “Value Potential.”
The Real Epiphany: The ACTUAL value depends almost entirely on me. If I stick my notes in a drawer and do nothing with her guidance, the ACTUAL value of my consultation with Janet will have been very low.
As it is, I bought a journal and started outlining at least one, and probably several books. I now have a strong sense of what style I will use, what voice, how long the chapters will be, how many there will be, where and how I will publish them, and, most importantly, why.
I won’t take your time to share all of the specifics of the insights I am having based on that consultation. That is not my point here.
So Was the Consultation Worth the Fee?
What I realize now (in a new and deeper way) is that what Coaches are selling is Value Potential. It is up to me as the client to realize that Potential, and turn the Potential into Action, or Product, or a Blog or a Book, or what have you. I determine the ultimate value of Janet’s consultation and coaching.
It reminds me that Coaches are not Wizards, though sometimes they present as such. With all of our high priced lollapalooza programs and funnels and memes and proclamations about “I GET RESULTS!!!!” the reality is that unless the client takes responsibility for the alchemical process of turning potential into reality, not even Anthony Robbins can create results. Of course the Coach can add value all along the way, but only if I let them, and if I follow up and through…
So ultimately, if my books get written, it will be a tribute to both me and Dr. Scarborough Civitelli, and if they do not, well, that will be only about me…
Thank you, Janet!!
–Dr. James Mick Nolan