Hey, guess what? You too can be a Life Coach!
But guess what again? So can your dog, and your crazy ex, and your next door neighbor, and some dude in prison, and, well…….anyone.
There are no barriers to entry in the Coaching Profession. None. Zero.
No credential needed, no certificate, no license, no skill set, no training, no nothing.
You can “BE” a Life Coach simply by SAYING you are a Life Coach.
Isn’t that special?
Imagine if it worked that way for neurosurgeons, attorneys, astronauts, financial advisors, psychologists, teachers, nurses, pharmacists, personal trainers, orchestra conductors, dentists, navy seals, CPAs, cops, or university professors. You don’t need to have any training, you can just SAY you are these things! How cool would that be?
Not very.
Be careful out there.
A lot of people have caught on to this, and have proclaimed themselves coaches. Do your homework. Ask for references. Ask about their training and relevant experience or credentials.
It’s kind of insane, but hey, that’s the way it is today in the Coaching profession.
Text me at 505-699-7616 about Life Coaching or Counseling. Or playing guitar. Or if the Yankees want me to play center field.
I have stack of licenses, credentials, certificates, and all that stuff…Been in the business since Abraham Lincoln was president, roughly…