INFPs and the Principle of Attraction by Dr. Jim Nolan
The Principle of Attraction (many call it the “Law of Attraction”) goes something like this:
“That upon which we focus, especially if we get some emotion behind it, tends to stay in our awareness. We tend to keep focusing on it, often, and attracting even more of the same into our conscious awareness and into our actual experience. It’s the phenomenon that gives rise to such common sayings as “Birds of a feather flock together”, “Like attracts like”, or “That which is like unto itself is drawn”, “The rich get richer and the poor get poorer.” Impassioned action on behalf of the thing you are focused on also makes it more likely to manifest in your life and experience.”
OK, I have to mention (you’re not gonna love this) that INFPs are among the lowest paid of the sixteen Myers-Briggs types. It’s because we focus on service, on being nice, on taking care of others, and we can have a tendency to NOT take such great care of ourselves, including our own financial needs. More about how hard it is to be an INFP can be found by clicking here…
But here’s the good news. Given the deeply reflective, highly intuitive nature of the INFP, we are perhaps uniquely, or at least optimally, positioned to set intentions, hold a focus, not get caught up in the cynicism, naysaying, and the sensibilities of those who do not “get” or trust intuition. Others tell us we live in a fantasy world, “not in touch with reality”, and according to the teachers of the Principle/Law of Attraction, THAT is probably one of our biggest advantages! When others say it can’t be done, we just go ahead and believe in it anyway, and often get it done! Reminded of Henry Ford here…
The “P” function also comes into play here. It allows us (compels us?) to remain open to new information and possibilities so that we are willing to look beyond the very limited realms of “evidence-based” ways of knowing, or “you have to show me” sensibilities, and invite manifestation despite what others require before they are willing and able to allow something into their lives.
I am going to be writing much more about this, probably included in my book. For now, INFPs—you are in a great position to both align with the best of the Principle of Attraction, and to ignore the self-anointed realists who often know nothing about Intuition, Spirituality, Hope, Manifestation, or Synchronicity—they want “just the facts, ma’am”—and that’s not how INFPs roll…
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