To me, blended Counseling/Coaching involves working with the healthy, aspirational, highly functioning aspects of a person’s life with the aim of the Client realizing even greater joy, life satisfaction, effectiveness, and success, however the Client defines those terms.
Every one of my private practice clients, bar none, has such areas in their lives, with strengths, skills, resources, hope, and will to apply to the pursuit of their dreams. We work together with those qualities and aspirations to amplify and manifest the best that they can become.
I Get We All Have Challenges Too
The fact that they may also have problem areas that require innovative strategies and solutions does not in the least detract from the fact that they have a lot going for them. They may temporarily have a diminished capacity to access or marshal all their resources completely at this time. That’s where we as therapists/coaches come in.
A flat tire does not mean your car sucks—in fact, in may be a truly great car—with a flat tire. So right this red-hot minute it may not be going anywhere, but it will. You don’t tow it to the junkyard—you change the flat. And while you’re at it, you might as well do a tune-up, get an alignment, rotate the tires, and check the air pressure all around. . Those will help the overall driving experience once you’re back on the road, and they may have contributed to the flat…
Text me at 505-699-7616