You may not be aware that if you have health insurance, you can get personal counseling, often for no charge at all.
People on Medicaid almost always have no pre-authorization requirements, no deductible, no co-pay. It is kind of mind-blowing, given how TIGHT insurance companies used to be about these things.
Other companies (True Health New Mexico, for example) often offer free sessions, and no limit on sessions.
If you are interested in personal counseling, let me know. If you send your group insurance number, your individual number, and your date of birth, I can check your “Explanation of Benefits” to tell you what it will cost you, again, if anything…
I hope this is good news to a lot of you…
Like who WOULDN’T like to have somebody to knock things around with? I do it weekly, and find it enormously helpful, myself…
Jim Nolan, Honolulu/Santa Fe