OK, now that is an interesting photograph…I took it on the Ponte San Angelo in Rome. Hundreds of people were walking slowly by, wondering “how the hell are they doing that?” I loved it.
It really made you wonder what was possible…That is a great gift, because all too often we are in kind of a trance, and forget to stretch for all that’s possible. At some level, we may believe that what we want is simply not possible…
People focus so much on “What Is”but “What Is” is not all that interesting to me. In my Counseling and Coaching practice, I’m much more drawn to questions like:
What else? What If?
What could I create? What now?
What’s new? What’s next?
If you’re looking for some Counseling or Life Coaching, you are probably looking for better questions, because the ones you are asking are not getting you where you say you want to go. Man, I can relate to that. Like, when you think you know exactly what you want, and yet you keep making no progress? Time to talk, I think…
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Jim Nolan
drjamesmichaelnolan@gmail.com or 505.699.7616