What’s Wrong with “What’s Wrong?” by Jim Nolan
Most of “Clinical” Psychology orients toward what is wrong, what is not going well.
We don’t have to get too esoteric to understand that that upon which we focus, especially if we get some emotion behind it, tends to stay in our awareness. We tend to keep focusing on it, often, attracting even more of the same into our conscious awareness and into our actual experience.
That’s the phenomenon that gives rise to such common sayings as “Birds of a feather flock together”, “Like attracts like”, or “That which is like unto itself is drawn”, “The rich get richer and the poor get poorer.”
What does this mean, and who cares?
When a person comes at another person angrily, there is a high probability of being met with negative emotion—maybe anger, but perhaps fear, pessimism, whatever.
When a lovely, smiling, optimistic person enters the room, the opposite happens. They are likely to be met with a smile, anticipation of a great interaction, etc.
We know this stuff, right?
You’ve heard the word “energetically” a lot. People say “When Joe starting identifying everything that could go wrong, , the whole meeting pretty much went downhill energetically.” The “energy” was changed, shifted, contaminated, deflated.
For me, all of this falls under what I (and a billion others) would call “Principle of Attraction.” This “Principle” is as old as the Hermetic Teachings, Vedanta (what do you think Karma amounts to?), the Bible, Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy, and the teachings of Jane Roberts/Seth and Abraham Hicks.
Misguided Over-Focus on Wrong-ness
When you focus on “What’s wrong now, what was wrong in your childhood, how long was it wrong, was it similarly wrong for your siblings, how about your parents, is it wrong-er today than it was last session, take this test to measure the wrong-ness”, well, you get a hell of a focus and attraction going for “Wrong-ness.”
And you’re going to find a whole lot of it. And you can get stuck there, and build a narrative around the Wrong-ness, and worse yet, build an identity around the Wrong-ness. We all know people who have done that to themselves, and it is sad to watch, and to see how deeply entrenched they can get in that identity…
What are the other options? Well, there definitely are some, and we will get into that…The Principle (Law) of Attraction sends us in a completely different direction. My practice is FULL of people who want to focus on the positive, who want to manifest more in their lives, who do not want to swirl in the negative vortex of “What’s wrong, and how and when did that being?!?”
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