My Mission
To offer affordable Life Coaching to people who are a good fit with me, so that they can live the life they envision, and I have more time to play guitar and watch sunsets at Waikiki with an income stream in semi-retirement.
Coaching Costs Too Much
Many people cannot afford the exorbitant prices that Life Coaches charge these days, what with their “Super Duper Multi-Level Six Figures Guaranteed Lollapalooza Life Coaching Program for 50% off our already unbelievable Deal of only $8995 for Six Months”, and all the other bullshit that goes on in that field.
Spare me. I had to drop out of all, and I mean all, the Coaching groups on Facebook. Just too much.
They offer packages before they ask what the hell you even wanted to work on. Why would I try to sell you a $4,000 Italian suit if you came by to buy a watch band and a pair of socks? Shouldn’t I probably ASK you what you are looking for first? That’s my thought, anyway…
My Name is James Mick Nolan
I am 69 years old, and I have been a licensed Psychologist since the 1980’s. I’ve been President of a graduate school for Psychotherapists (did that for 13 years), an Academic, and mostly a licensed Psychologist and Life Coach for decades.
Earlier in life, in Cleveland, Ohio, I worked in factories, on truck docks, in an asbestos plant (seriously), in a toxic dye house (seriously), and I have been on unemployment a couple times, when times was tough. I’m an inner-city kid and know what it’s like to have money and not have money. I know what’s it’s like to be working a shitty job I do not want to do, and I currently live near Waikiki, and pretty much enjoy every day of my life. Privileged, yes, entitled, no. In appreciation across the board, for all of it…
What the Heck IS Life Coaching Anyway? And How is it Different from Therapy?
Glad you asked.
Consider these 4 Cars:
Car #1: Ran out of gas
Car #2: Needs a tune up
Car #3: Is stuck in the mud, can’t pull itself out
Car #4: Was broadsided by another vehicle and needs more extensive work
These all need some help, some more than others. A lot of people I work with were blindsided earlier in life, and did some therapy work (or other transformational work) and are now looking for Life Coaching. God Bless ‘em. That work is not easy to do. Some are still not functioning the way they want or need to, and they need to work on the broadside situation.
Psychologists can (and do) do Coaching, but Coaches cannot legally do Psychology, which they do anyway, which is scary, but hey, stuff happens in the world, right?
Much (not all) of what happens in therapy amounts to Life Coaching, in my experience as both a professional and as a client.
So Here’s What Happens
Life is not the way you wish it were. You experience the contrast between What Is, and What You Would Prefer, and you want to move in that direction. So, what is keeping you from doing so?
Well. It could be:
- Trauma, biochemical imbalances (probably could use psychotherapy)
- Life circumstances (relationships, career, COVID, where you live, health related stuff, etc.), limiting self-talk and internal narratives, lack of motivation, life decisions that are not working out, not serving you, and so on. These are very possibly amenable to Life Coaching. Possibly more like the first three cars discussed above. Make sense?
Value Proposition:
$150 for hour sessions. I sometimes do not find an hour to be enough time to connect, do a deeper dive, come back up, and identify next steps. If that’s the case, we can do an hour and a half for $200. Lately, one of the most popular options, especially for the first meeting, is $300 for two hours.
“People Won’t Value You If You Don’t Charge More”
People tell me that all the time. I don’t give a s***. That is not my problem.
Re-stating my Mission, I am looking to:
- Offer Value to my clients
- Make a modest income in semi-retirement
I don’t need or want to go after max-buck or offer high-end packages. At 69, I am pretty well set. I am just looking for the enjoyment of helping people out, which has after all been my life calling. And I want to maintain another little cash-flow for buying guitars I do not need, or visiting family on the mainland. (Joke: “How many guitars does a guitar player need? One more than he has….”)
If people look at my almost 40 years in the field, and my resume, and all my jobs, and decide there is not enough value because “it doesn’t cost enough”, I’d just say they’re freaking stupid with a heartfelt LOL !! I can give you references that will be happy to take a lot more of your money, if you’re interested.
***If you have health insurance in New Mexico or Hawai’i, we might be able to work with that, depending on several factors. Let me know…
As an INFP, I am great at responding to your Texts. 505-699-7616. Let’s see what can happen…
Click here for Affordable Life Coaching, Part 2