I work a little differently from what you might have expected. I think my way offers better value, and a more satisfying therapy/coaching experience…
If You Are Using Insurance
Although insurance companies typically only pay for 50-minute hour/sessions (often less than that), I meet with clients for an hour to an hour and fifteen minutes. I just find that the extra time allows us to relax a little and not feel the pressure of jamming us into that “50 minute hour” model.
Also, it seems like most therapists schedule clients according to THEIR needs (“I need to fill in all my hours every week”, and I have even been told by one professional “I have a budget I have to make every month.”) That seems to me to be more about THEM and not about what the client needs. If you want weekly, and it makes sense, we try to do weekly. But I have a lot of clients that come in every two weeks, and even some who come in once a month, or “from time to time”, and I am OK with that. This IS about you, not about my budget or scheduling needs…
If You Are Self Pay
Generally I work the same.
(My colleagues say I am a little crazy for giving so much time to my clients, but it is my choice, and that is the end of it. I have done this for years, and it works for me and my clients…I want to focus on relationships, not “billable hours”…)
Telemental Health
Oh, yeah—I also work on Zoom, with people who live on the other islands or, for that matter, anywhere…I find it really is as powerful as face to face. Probably 85% of my sessions are now done on Zoom, Facetime, Skype, or telephone. (This includes Hawai’i and New Mexico.)
Anyway, that is what you can expect. You will never see a “fifty-minute hour”, unless that is your choice!
Fees for Personal Coaching Outside of New Mexico or Hawai’i: http://drjamesmichaelnolan.com/musings-on-life-coaching/life-coaching-fees/
Jim Nolan
Text me at: 505.699.7616
Email me at: jamesmicknolan@gmail.com