Values, Vision, Preferences, & Style
–Dr. James Michael Nolan
This is a little exercise I made up for myself—and for anybody else who loves to play with language. I found that it helped me zero in on my own Mission Statement and Strategic Plan. Play with it if it appeals to you…If not, that’s fine too…
List 3-6 Verbs, 3-6 Nouns, 3-6 Adjectives, & 3-6 Adverbs that help describe your way of being in the world, and tell us what is important and meaningful to you.
Verbs: What actions you see as important in your life (for example, travel, write, experience, enjoy, help, swim, create, collaborate etc.)
Nouns: What things you see as important in your life (for example, joy, abundances, novelty, freedom, red sports cars, adventure, connection, wealth, family, and so on…)
Adjectives: Words that describe (un-pressured, collaborative, connected, supportive, competitive, exciting, casual, fast-moving, mysterious, predictable)
Adverbs: Words that tell us how you like to do the verbs (intentionally, with integrity, ambitiously, energetically, competitively, lovingly, etc.)
Then you play around in a mix and match kind of way, creating sentences that feel or sound like a mission, vision, or inspirational sentence. Write it on your bathroom mirror, or have a bumper sticker made of it…
EXAMPLE: One possibility I came up with for myself (after playing around a LOT with words) was “I want to create (verb) satisfying and exciting (adjectives) life experiences (noun) in my life, both intentionally and frequently (adverbs).” Some days it is “I want to experience (verb) creative, un-pressured (two adjectives) joy (noun) more frequently (adverb).”
It was really helpful for me to get it down so clearly…It has become a mission statement for me…Maybe you will find it helpful as well…It could be a “Vision Statement” too. This practice can also be used to create a mantra for a day, or a vacation, or a project. It helps you fill out the dimensions of experience for which you want to set intentions. Abraham-Hicks writes about “Segment-Intending”, and this exercise works for that as well. For each segment of the day, you set your dominant intention before embarking on it.
However you use this, it is certainly a way of being more intentional than moing through the world wondering what is going to happen to you–you take a strong hand in making happen what you want to have happen…
Enjoy Your Precious Day Deliciously!
Kill Your Unique Jam Ferociously!
Rock the Dope Casbah Ecstatically!
Sit On Your Dead Butt Contentedly!
Be in the glorious world mindfully.