Manifesto on Manifestation
Or How to Make Stuff Happen, Part 2 of 2
From my perspective, here are some widely embraced principles that are shared by a lot of philosophical lineages, psychological theories, various approaches to living life more fully, and my 67 years on the planet (30 plus in the field of Psychology…)
F. Focus on what you DO want more than on what you DON’T want
- “I want to look FABULOUS at that party!”, not “I don’t wanna look like a frump… ” I want to feel abundant” rather than “I never seem to have enough money…”
- The story goes that Mother Teresa passed on an invitation to an Anti-War Rally, indicating that she would nevertheless be happy any time to attend a Peace Rally…
- “I want to feel sleek, fit, athletic” versus “I’m sick of feeling fat…” It keeps the vibe more positive, the feelings more exciting…
- Being FOR something is energetically preferable to being AGAINST something; keeping that negative message running in your head is going to make it a hell of a lot harder to move successfully toward what you want, since it maintains the focus on what is NOT going right in your life…The universe tends to hear that focus on what you do not want, and deliver more of it…
- Complaining, blaming others, playing the victim—these are all popular sports these days, here in the middle of 2020. I think people imagine there is Moral High Ground to be gained by blaming others and identifying oneself as the victim. I believe that it just keeps you from becoming empowered, and thus holds you back from achieving your full potential. I highly recommend against…
- If my subjective sense of well-being depends on YOUR mood, or on Donald Trump, or on Mercury Retrograde, or on what my mother did or did not do in 1961, or on the weather, I am giving away an INCREDIBLE amount of power…I am just not willing to do that anymore…Hell, no…
G. “Contrast” is the difference between that which you have (the state, the feeling, the experience, the thing), and that which you wish you had, or were experiencing.
- Contrast can serve as a motivation—something toward which to strive (“I’d like to drive a nicer car, I’d rather live in Hawai’i, I’d feel better if I lost ten pounds”)
- Contrast can also be used to pee and moan and feel sorry for yourself about what you do not currently have, which is also a fairly popular sport, you may have noticed… (“Why does HE get a nice car? I NEVER get the guy I want. I’m never gonna lose any weight, Why am I always broke, That Law of Attraction stuff is bullshit—it NEVER works for me…” and so on…)
H. Focus on what’s POSSIBLE and refuse to be defined or limited by what is, or has been.
- Some people think being “realistic” is the bomb. It’s not. It is decidedly NOT the bomb. They say depressed people see things more realistically—duhhh….. All, and I mean ALL, and let me repeat, ALL the visionary thinkers in the history of humankind were thinking way out beyond “What Is.” They were not accepting what is. “What is” was the Bubonic Plague, polio, travel by wagon train, using “white out” on your typewriter and throwing out papers when you made a mistake, black and white TV, no TV, death due to strep throat, the Pony Express (not iPhone), and so on. It took Visionary Thinkers to reflect on what was possible. And they discovered and created new things that made the world a different and usually better place. Steve Jobs, Jeff Bezos, Mark Zuckerberg, Elon Musk, Bill Gates, Dr. Salk, Oprah Winfrey, Gandhi, Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., Barack Obama—none of these allowed themselves to be limited by what was, or by what had been status quo before them. You want to be more “realistic” and more depressed, help yourself. I’m gonna take a pass…
I. The people, social media, so-called “news”, the TV shows, and again, the PEOPLE you surround yourself with can make a huge difference in how you feel, whether you can maintain your focus on what you want, on your frame of mind, your mood, your optimism, and every other which-a-way. Negative people, blamers, violent TV shows or movies, contentious, nasty social media people, threads and groups, constant attention to, for example, COVID-19 news, or the ten millionth “Trump Is A Narcissistic Thug” article—I mean, come on—you already know where you stand with him and other political issues—do you have to put yourself in the middle of that pointless battlefield day after day after day?
- When you are trying to stay on your high-flying consciousness disk, and others who are struggling on lower-flying disks or crashed in the bushes are DYING to get your attention, it helps to have boundaries, to not expose yourself to those people or purported “news” sources. They WANT to throw you off balance, they are envious, often, that you are on a higher-flying disk….”Who the hell does he think HE is?!?” “What are YOU so happy and positive about?!?!”
- Negative Energy is powerful, and contagious
- So is Positive Energy…
- POSITIVE energy, positive people, uplifters, uplifting podcasts and books, can increase your vibration and keep your spirits and psyche focused on envisioning, creating, discovering, and manifesting the life that you want. We all know the experience of being around somebody who is an energetic drag, a “Debbie Downer”, a Sad Sack, a complainer, a whiner, a cynic, a pessimist.
- We ALSO know what it feels like to be around a “breath of fresh air”, a good egg, a ray of sunshine, an uplifter, a good locker room guy, an inspiration, and so on. Even reading those two sets of TERMS makes you feel different!!!
J. Put your energy/focus action toward something where you really believe you can make a difference, or influence the situation
- You will know whether you believe you have any influence by whether you feel helpless or not. This varies from person to person. I may feel like I can’t impact starvation and disease in some other part of the world, and so I am better off helping dogs in shelters down the street. Somebody else might feel that by praying, doing ceremony, or meditating on world prosperity, they ARE impacting people across the world, then that might be a fine activity for them, though not for me. Some people think voting is a joke, some think it is the most important thing in the world. Act according to how it feels to you…
As I mentioned earlier, these principles are held by a lot of traditions across time and geography. They also happen to be some of the core concepts in the Law of Attraction. I did not want to mention that on the front end, because all too many people dismiss the Law of Attraction as stupid, privileged, wishful thinking bullshit.
Well, you tell me. I happen to think these principles are pretty solid. I kind of don’t care if you agree or not—that is not really my business. I am trying to make an offering, not a sale. If you had a significant problem with the above, you probably would not have made it this far to be reading these words, right?
Thanks for hanging in and giving this stuff a chance….
Jim Nolan, Psychologist