My Truth
If “The Truth” or “The Way” or the correct and accurate world view were clear and knowable (I don’t believe they even exist), we would not have so many isms and paths, politics and churches, conspiracy theories and secret societies. One person’s spiritual or “social justice” perspective or understanding of how we should spend our time in this life is experienced as offensive or ignorant by another.
All too often, these perspectives tend to try to battle and shove their way to the top of the Consciousness Heap as the One and Woke way to walk the earth. Again, all too often bullying, gaslighting, dismissing, attacking, shaming, threatening, and polarizing ensue. This comes from both ends of the spectrum, by the way.
My current perspective (I am “open at the top”, so speak only for today) is meant to apply only to me. I don’t believe any group or perspective, no matter their banner of righteousness, has cornered The Truth, least of all those that claim they have done so. In my world, they’re the worst.
I embrace points of view that appeal to me, that resonate with me, that serve me (and only I get to decide if they do or do not.) My perspective on, for example, past lives and reincarnation, UFOs, what matters, what I am or am not responsible for in my own life experience, the importance of politics, how to approach Covid, which guitars I like the best, and how I want to Walk the Earth are mine alone, meant only to apply to me and my journey.
I am happy to share those points of view, happy to hear yours, have zero interest in being argued, bullied, gaslighted or politicized out of mine. At almost 68 years old, if a shift in perspective will serve me, it will come organically, from within, not from a Woke or Conspiracy-Inspired diatribe. Not even from a well-intentioned source with whom I significantly agree or resonate. Not even from a Facebook meme.
That’s what I got today.