You know what I am not wild about?
I’ll tell you what I’m not wild about, now that you’ve asked.
When you go on a trip, and you tell people you went on that trip, and visited some place, and they pull out that one particular thing–not infrequently a somewhat obscure little thing–and say “So, did you see the Whoop De Doo Museum, which is only open every other February, and only if it’s raining?” With that tone and look that says “If you did NOT see the Whoop De Doo Museum, your trip was hardly worth taking, and you might as well just shut your cake-hole now, because nothing else you can say, nothing that you did, or saw, or experienced, or ate, or got chased by, or bought, or viewed from a helicopter could possible make up for the fact that you missed the Whoop De Doo Museum.”
“Oh, and did I mention? I saw the Whoop De Do museum.”
That’s what I’m not wild about.
I want to say “Why do people do s*** like that?”, but I actually know.