“What DOES this Law of Attraction stuff mean?”
I think that what gets called the Law of Attraction is not a Law at all, but a Principle, a Force, a Power, a Tool, a Trend, a Momentum, an Energy we can use for creating more experiences in our lives that we want.
- What we focus on, put our energy into, is more likely to come into our experience
- Our thoughts are really powerful, and when held with passion, and backed with action (internal or external/in the world), they have a good chance of manifesting something like the experience we want in our lives
- Hanging out on websites, or in chat groups, or on Facebook pages, or with people, where negativity and cynicism is the primary vibe, is really likely to result in more negative vibes, or energy, or thinking—that I am pretty sure of. (Like attracts like; birds of a feather flock together; that which is like unto itself is drawn)
- Keeping a positive attitude, an optimistic point of view, trusting that the universe will work with us on getting what we want in our lives, believing that we are creators—ALL of these make it increasingly more likely that we will create/magnetize/attract/manifest—whatever word you like best—the experiences that we want in our lives.
- I really, really, really believe that if we spend a lot of time on Monsanto, GMOs, chem trails, Donald Trump, BP, the tragedies of so-called “Natural Disasters”, worrying that Alexa is listening to us all day, hating Fox News, worrying that Splenda will kill us, obsessing about the evils of gluten (if you’re not a true celiac), hating on Starbucks (or McDonalds, or Walmart, or Isis, or the Dallas Cowboys, whatever), we will attract a lot of negative energy into our field, and it will manifest in emotional states, and could even very well manifest in physical states, or illness. Negativity in our life field can affect the way we experience the world we live in, and NOT in a good way.
- Finding our Tribe, finding like-minded spirits, finding others on high-flying discs, staying in positive environments, holding intentions for great outcome, allowing others to be and do what they are inclined to be and do without getting ourselves pulled out of alignment or Vortex, or falling off our higher-flying disc about it, focusing on what is right in our world, keeping our vision front and center, experiencing the positive feelings not only of achieving our desired outcomes but pursuing them, which is almost always the most delicious part of the journey
- This is some of what the Principle/Law of Attraction mean to me. Sure, there are people out there in Facebook LOA groups telling you that they are going to win Lotto tonight, or get a date with a movie star, or arrive home to a shiny red sports coupe, just because they are aligned with those outcomes, But that is NOT the Law of Attraction. That’s just plain cuckoo. (I say that affectionately, and wish they would read my blogs…)
How does the Principle/Law of Attraction show up in my practice? That’s next… http://drjamesmichaelnolan.com/uncategorized/am-i-a-law-of-attraction-guru-part-3-of-3/