“You can’t get sick enough to make the sick ones well, and you can’t get poor enough to make the poor ones abundant, and you can’t get weak enough to make the weak ones strong, and you can’t dis-empower yourself enough to make the dis-empowered ones feel empowered.” Abraham says that a lot…
We are not pursuing our own dreams at the expense of the Other. At least most of us. In a universe of abundance, there is enough for all of us. The guilt and downtrodden-ness, and vicarious suffering and trauma that many helping professionals feel and experience is not necessary, nor does it help our clients. We do not have to feel sheepish about making a good living helping others.
Modeling good, healthy, abundant living may be the best thing we can do to help others, in fact.
Give it some consideration.
Available for Coaching from a distance…. Text me at 505.699.7616