A Rant On Apologies
If you have done something that was not a good look, or was inappropriate, or hurtful, or snarky, or unkind, or lacked in empathy, or got a laugh at somebody else’s expense, or was a misguided grenade that was meant for somebody else, I have an idea:
Find your own language. My bad. Not my shining moment. No excuses, but I was having a bad day and took it out on you—you didn’t deserve it. That was not kind of me—my apologies. Dude, SORREE! Whatever.
Just do it.
There are way too many people, adult-ass people, who can’t seem to find it in themselves to apologize, take responsibility for not so great behavior, or a low character moment.
If you are one of those who just can’t get yourself to apologize, under almost any circumstances, get to therapy. If you are older than a 13 year old boy, you gotta figure this out. This is primitive.
Quit the ‘splainin’, the defensiveness, the weak-ass attempts to turn the tables (“Yeah, well how about when YOU blah biddy blahed??!?!”—STFU.)
Gaslighting, lying, prevaricating (look it up), none of these is a good look.
Men who think they are weak if they admit mistakes are dead wrong. Women who think that a Strong Woman shouldn’t have to apologize for her behavior, Wrong Again. You both look way the hell worse for not being able or willing to take responsibility. Seriously. You do.
We see it in Washington all the time, and that sickens my stomach. They can’t take responsibility for even the slightest thing. It’s always the fault of the ones across the aisle. Buncha punks.
Evolve, fer crissake. Figure it out. If you F’d up, be Man or Woman or Unspecified enough to own it. You will grow immeasurably, and you’ll actually be admired for it.
This topic gets me worked up. It is so, so simple, and it is so, so in the direction of higher consciousness, and I believe the world would be a significantly better place if we could figure this one out.
Rant over. But the sentiment lives on…
Dr. James Michael Anthony Nolan
Oh, while you’re here, here is my You Tube Music Channel….