Blog › Jim’s Views On The Universe
Day in the Life On the Job
Day In The Life on the Job “I don’t want to work, but I want all the things.” “I have all the things, but I have to keep...
Argument for Higher Consciousness in the Universe: Kiwis, Red Beets & Morning Glories
Wherein I offer a sophisticated and indisputable evidence for a Higher Consciousness. in the Universe. ...
My Issue with So-Called “Evidence-Based Practice”
At its worst, “Evidence-Based Practice” invites us to abandon our own base of experience, suspend our reliance on intuition, and place the locus of authority in the hands of academicians...
High Up Diamond Head Road…
High Up Diamond Head Road 1.21.2024 Sitting on an irregular volcanic stone wall high up Diamond Head Road, scores of surfers drifting down below. It’s Hawai’i,...
Psychologists Are Not Allowed to Believe in Ghosts
Psychologists Are Not Allowed to Believe in Ghosts Or if they are, they generally keep it to themselves. “Evidence-based blah blah” and all that. The so-called “Science of Psychology.”...
Ethics, Morality and Legality. Lions and Tigers and Bears.
An Ethics Board saying some behavior or decision is “unethical” does not necessarily mean that that behavior or decision is “unethical.” It just means that, at this point in time,...
The World of “Therapy” Is Changing Every Day. I’m Not, But IT Is…
I notice that "Therapies" have steadily moved (or so it seems?) toward "techniques", and "Alphabet Therapies." Also, the language of the field (if Facebook Groups are any...
Ethics, Catholicism, Psychology and Stealing from Carl Rogers
Calling it Ethics doesn't make it Ethics. ...
I Don’t Want A “Healing”…
Questioning the use of the word "Healing" to describe experiences or interactions that were really positive. ...
We’re All Writing Songs…
We all have cool, or interesting, or important stuff going on in our lives, at all times...I need to not forget that......
Why People That Fire Me Fire Me
Why Clients That Fire Me Fire Me I am a very big believer in taking responsibility for our own experiences in life. Were we...
A Rant On Apologies
A Rant On Apologies If you have done something that was not a good look, or was inappropriate, or hurtful, or snarky, or unkind, or lacked in empathy, or...
The Whoop De Doo Museum
You know what I am not wild about? I’ll tell you what I’m not wild about, now that you’ve asked. When you go on a trip,...
Tips/Observations/Experiences on Adding Coaching to Your Therapy Practice
Tips/Observations/Opinions/Experiences on Adding Coaching to Your Business Remember, you are not restricted as to where you can practice as a Coach I earned several certificates...
Coaching with James Mick: Reaching for Something Higher
Coaching Toward a Higher Vision People who are reasonably evolved, resourceful, optimistic, and have a bit of the Visionary and the Maverick in them, usually find themselves creating rich...
My Credentials, Experiences, & Other Weird Stuff
Credentials & Experiences (OK, this is kind of Blah, Blah Blah, but...) Ph.D. in Counseling Psychology from THE Ohio State University (and almost 40 years in the biz) ...
“Shine”, he said…
Shine… A great friend of mine, Dr. Michael Johll, once told a disgruntled grad school graduate, who vehemently declared she would not work for $15 an hour (but remained...
Mongooses in Hawai’i
Mongooses in Hawai’i They brought mongooses to Hawai’i to keep rats the hell out of the sugar cane fields. Seventy-two of them from Jamaica in...
Positive Psychology, The Principle of Attraction, & My Big Ideas
Positive Psychology is the applied science of identifying and using human resources, resourcefulness, and potentials to create the most meaningful, intentional, satisfying and/or joyful life experiences possible. It’s a great...
There Are Two Ways of Approaching Life
Positive thinking and an Internal Locus of Control are hugely beneficial assets for a satisfying life. ...
I Remember Smoking Cigs in College Classes…
I remember smoking cigarettes in college classes (all English majors and professors did), on airplanes, in theatres, even in the Vic Tanny Gym locker room. I remember cars without...
Affordable Life Coaching, Part 2
I am a Psychologist that uses Positive Psychology, Life Coaching strategies and Law of Attraction principles in my work with clients. That has made me a bit of an outlier in...
Affordable Life Coaching, Finally
My Mission To offer affordable Life Coaching to people who are a good fit with me, so that they can live the life they envision, and I have more...
My “Truth” (Which is not Truth at all…)
My Truth If “The Truth” or “The Way” or the correct and accurate world view were clear and knowable (I don’t believe they even exist), we would not have...
Manifesto on Manifestation, Part 2 of 2
Dr. J offers part 2 of how to make stuff happen in your life......
Manifesto on Manifestation, Part 1 of 2
Dr. J discusses centuries old principles related to manifesting what you want in life......
The Hippocratic Oath Does Not Say What They Say It Says
Hippocratic Oath Remember when Hippocrates said “Above all, do no harm”? Yeah, except that is not what the Hippocratic Oath says. Isn’t that one hell of a...
My Approach to Helping Your Life Get Better…
People ask me "What Is Your Approach?" and this gives you an idea......
How We Approach the 2nd Half of Life…
Dr. Jim discusses some possibilities for how we approach the second half of life......
Therapist/Life Coach, Law of Attraction in Honolulu and Aina-Haina
Aloha Honolulu & Nearby Neighborhoods! I am a Psychologist that uses Life Coaching strategies and Law of Attraction principles in my work with clients. That has...
Being European Is Pretty Cool, Too…
Sometimes I Wish White People Would Be OK with Their Actual Heritage/Lineage It’s a thing here in Santa Fe. Euros often seem to want to be,...
Thinking of Grad School to Become a Therapist? Ten Things to Know…
Ten Things You Need to Know if You Are Thinking of Becoming a Therapist Psychologists and doctoral level therapists enjoy more prestige, generally speaking, than Master’s...
Ten Tips About Becoming A Therapist…
Ten Things You Need to Know if You Are Thinking of Becoming a Therapist Psychologists and doctoral level therapists enjoy more prestige, generally speaking, than...
How My Sessions Work (not quite what you are used to…)
I work a little differently from what you might have expected. I think my way offers better value, and a more satisfying therapy/coaching experience... If You...
Things You Should Know About Life Coaching/Coaches
Things You Should Know About Life Coaches/Life Coaching You do not need ANY training or credentials to call yourself a Life Coach If your response...
Suddenly Everybody Wants to Be “Fierce”…
Reflections on Identifying Oneself as “Fierce” Suddenly all of these people want to be "Fierce." My experience has been that powerful and fierce people do not...
What Is A Coach Worth?
A few days ago, I had a consultation with Dr. Janet Scarborough Civitelli, a member of this group. She is a Coach who knows a LOT about writing, books,...